And now we’re on to Weekly Challenge #246! 246 is the product of 2, 3, and 41. It is Untouchable.

Task 1: 6 out of 49

Submitted by: Andreas Voegele
6 out of 49 is a German lottery.

Write a script that outputs six unique random integers from the range 1 to 49.

Let’s Talk About It

I got this wrong on first pass.

“Six random integers”? That’s cake.

“Between the range of 1 and 49?” More cake.

The word I missed is “unique”. That’s the word that makes this work.

If you want to include all the input, use a for loop, but if you’re concerned about the output, use a while loop. Here, we’re watching the number of keys in the hash, so we’re randomizing a number, making it a key, and checking. The count doesn’t matter, so we set to 1 instead of incrementing. I mean, we could do that, but that makes a moving part that the next guy could get obsessed by. “Why increment?”

(Forgive me; I’ve been looking at something recently that I’m only 80% sure is someone using more shell than they understand, but trying to understand the possible cleverness in that 20%. Code, I believe, is like musical notation and mathematical expressions: most important as communication to others. When you write something ambiguous, you aren’t showing off cleverness, just writing something intentionally confusing for your colleagues.)

Show Me The Code

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use experimental qw{ say postderef signatures state };

my %hash;

# Write a script that outputs six unique random integers 
# from the range 1 to 49.

# I had missed 'unique', which means we have to be sure we
# deal with duplicates. Use the random number as keys to a hash
# and you won't get duplicates.

# Adding the numeric sort just makes it pretty.

while ( scalar keys %hash < 6 ) {
    my $n = 1 + int rand 49;
    $hash{$n} = 1;

say join "\n", sort { $a <=> $b } keys %hash;

# And here is my first pass, which ignored "unique". 
# Because of that, it was very simple.

# say join "\n",
#     sort { $a <=> $b }      # and the example is sorted numerically, so we will
#     map { 1 + int rand 49 } # which are random and between 1 and 49
#                             # but int rand ( n ) will give a number between 0 and n-1
#                             # so adding 1 will put it at the right range
#     1 .. 6;                 # we want six numbers
$ ./ 

Task 2: Linear Recurrence of Second Order

Submitted by: Jorg Sommrey You are given an array @a of five integers.

Write a script to decide whether the given integers form a linear recurrence of second order with integer factors.

A linear recurrence of second order has the form

a[n] = p * a[n-2] + q * a[n-1] with n > 1

where p and q must be integers.

Let’s Talk About It

p and q must be integers, so we go through a lot of integers, do the math, and go next to the outer loop if you find one. If there’s ever a case where, after a large array of integers, you don’t find something that matches, we return true.

First pass, I had two different loops for both p and q, for both 1..100 and -1, 1, but it became much simpler when I rewrote for -100..100. There’s no division to worry about.

And once you’ve sorted your $ps and $qs, it’s simple mathematics and named loops.

Show Me The Code

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use experimental qw{ say postderef signatures state };

my @examples = (

    [ 1, 1, 2, 3,  5 ],
    [ 4, 2, 4, 5,  7 ],
    [ 4, 1, 2, -3, 8 ],

for my $e (@examples) {
    my $input  = join ', ', $e->@*;
    my $output = lrso( $e->@* );

    say <<~"END";
    Input:  \$input = ($input)
    Output:          $output

sub lrso (@input) {
OUTER: for my $n ( 2 .. -1 + scalar @input ) {
        for my $p ( -100 .. 100 ) {
            my $pp = $p * $input[ $n - 2 ];
            for my $q ( -100 .. 100 ) {
                my $qq = $q * $input[ $n - 1 ];
                my $rr = $pp + $qq;
                next OUTER if $rr == $input[$n];
        return 'false';
    return 'true';
$ ./ 
Input:  $input = (1, 1, 2, 3, 5)
Output:          true

Input:  $input = (4, 2, 4, 5, 7)
Output:          false

Input:  $input = (4, 1, 2, -3, 8)
Output:          true

If you have any questions or comments, I would be glad to hear it. Ask me on Mastodon or make an issue on my blog repo.