Another week, another challenge.

TASK #1 › Nth root

Submitted by: Mohammad S Anwar
You are given positive numbers $N and $k.

Write a script to find out the $Nth root of $k. For more information, please take a look at the wiki page.

Input: $N = 5, $k = 248832
Output: 12

Input: $N = 5, $k = 34
Output: 2.02

I chose Logarithmic calculation because, as a habitual computer clock maker, I feel comfortable with logarithms.

It gives us n logbr = logb x, which reduces to logb r = logb x / n, and because I like myself and don’t like working with e, I took the advice of perldoc and set b equal to 10. (x is $k and n is $N). Finally, the n_th root of _x is r, which is b(1/n) logbx

Show Me The Code

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw{ postderef say signatures state };
no warnings qw{ experimental };

use Carp;
use Getopt::Long;

my $k = 16;
my $n = 2;

    'n=i' => \$n,
    'k=i' => \$k,

$n = abs int $n;
$k = abs int $k;

croak 'Zero in input' unless ( $n * $k ) > 0;

my $v = nth_root( $n, $k );
say qq{${n}th root of $k = $v};

# Logarithmic calculation
# r = b ** ( 1/n logb k )
sub nth_root ( $n, $k ) {
    return 10**( ( 1 / $n ) * log10($k) );

sub log10 {
    my $n = shift;
    return log($n) / log(10);
$ ./
2th root of 16 = 4

$ ./ -n 2 -k 16
2th root of 16 = 4

$ ./ -n 2 -k 34
2th root of 34 = 5.8309518948453

$ ./ -n 5 -k 34
5th root of 34 = 2.02439745849989

$ ./ -n 5 -k 248832
5th root of 248832 = 12

TASK #2 › The Name Game

Submitted by: Mohammad S Anwar
You are given a $name.

Write a script to display the lyrics to the Shirley Ellis song “The Name Game”. Please checkout the wiki page for more information.

Input: $name = “Katie”

Katie, Katie, bo-batie,
Bonana-fanna fo-fatie
Fee fi mo-matie

I wonder if everyone still knows this song, but I certainly remember it from my youth.

Shirley Ellis covers the rules in the lyrics, but while she sings “first letter”, it’s really the first consonant sound, which is not the letter. “Scarlet” loses the “Sc”, not just the “S”, unless there’s a way to pronounce “Mcarlet” that doesn’t occur to me.

Beyond that, it’s fairly simple. “Barry” gets “Bo-Arry”. “Mary” gets “Mo-ary”. And “Fiona” gets “Fo-Iona”.

(Now that I’m done coding and started blogging, “Ph” behaves like “F”, so “Phil” should get “Fo-il”, but if I start chasing special cases in names, I could be here until the end of time.)

Beyond that, names that start with vowel sounds don’t get mangled much, and there is at least one name that’s a special case, and unless we’re twelve, we want to avoid it.

Show Me The Code

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw{ postderef say signatures state };
no warnings qw{ experimental };

use Carp;
use Getopt::Long;

my @letters    = 'A' .. 'Z';
my @vowels     = qw{ A E I O U };
my %vowels     = map  { $_ => 1 } @vowels;
my @consonants = grep { !$vowels{$_} } @letters;
my %consonants = map  { $_ => 1 } @consonants;

my $name = 'Katie';
GetOptions( 'name=s' => \$name );


sub name_game( $name ) {
    my $Name = ucfirst lc $name;
    croak "Can't do 'Chuck'" if lc $name eq 'chuck';
    my $i      = substr( $Name, 0, 1 );
    my ($init) = $Name =~ m{^([^AEIOU]+)}mix;
    my $y      = $Name;
    $y =~ s{^([^AEIOU]+)}{}mix;

    my $by = 'B' . $y;
    my $fy = 'F' . $y;
    my $my = 'M' . $y;

    if (0) { }
    if ( $vowels{$i} ) {
        $init = '';
        $by   = 'B' . lc($Name);
        $fy   = 'F' . lc($Name);
        $my   = 'M' . lc($Name);
    elsif ( $init eq 'B' ) {
        $by = ucfirst $y;
    elsif ( $init eq 'F' ) {
        $fy = ucfirst $y;
    elsif ( $init eq 'M' ) {
        $my = ucfirst $y;
    say <<"END";
        $Name, $Name, bo-$by
        Bonanna-fanna fo-$fy
        Fee fi mo-$my

$ ./ -n Katie
        Katie, Katie, bo-Batie
        Bonanna-fanna fo-Fatie
        Fee fi mo-Matie

$ ./ -n Dave
        Dave, Dave, bo-Bave
        Bonanna-fanna fo-Fave
        Fee fi mo-Mave

$ ./ -n Scarlet
        Scarlet, Scarlet, bo-Barlet
        Bonanna-fanna fo-Farlet
        Fee fi mo-Marlet

 $ ./ -n Allie
        Allie, Allie, bo-Ballie
        Bonanna-fanna fo-Fallie
        Fee fi mo-Mallie

$ ./ -n Chuck
Can't do 'Chuck' at ./ line 31.
        main::name_game("Chuck") called at ./ line 27

But Wait! There’s More!

I decided to pull out the Javascript on this one. The biggest thing I didn’t know is how to dip into process.argv to get the names in, and the biggest thing I don’t think most people know is using a comment block in an anonymous function and casting .toString to get a multi-line variable without concatenation

"use strict";

let name = get_name(process.argv);

function name_game(name) {
  name = name.toLowerCase();

  if ( name === 'chuck' ) {
    throw 'Name not allowed'

  let lyrics = function () {
        NAME, NAME, bo-BY
        Bonanna-fanna fo-FY
        Fee fi mo-MY

  let Name = ucfirst(name);
  let i = Name.substr(0, 1);
  let inits = Name.match(/^([^AEIOUaeiou]+)/);
  let y = Name.replace(/^([^AEIOUaeiou]+)/, "");

  let by = "B" + y;
  let fy = "F" + y;
  let my = "M" + y;

  let vowels = {
    A: 1,
    E: 1,
    I: 1,
    O: 1,
    U: 1,

  if (0) {
  } else if (i === "B") {
    by = ucfirst(y);
  } else if (i === "F") {
    by = ucfirst(y);
  } else if (i === "M") {
    by = ucfirst(y);
  } else if (vowels[i]) {
    by = "B" + name;
    fy = "F" + name;
    my = "M" + name;

  lyrics = lyrics.replace(/NAME/g, Name);
  lyrics = lyrics.replace(/BY/, by);
  lyrics = lyrics.replace(/FY/, fy);
  lyrics = lyrics.replace(/MY/, my);


function get_name(argv) {
  let path = require("path");
  let programName = path.basename(__filename);
  let re = new RegExp(programName, "g");
  let name = argv.pop();

  if (name.match(re) ? 1 : 0) {
    name = "Dave";
  return name;

function ucfirst(str) {
  str = str.toLowerCase();
  var firstLetter = str.substr(0, 1);
  return firstLetter.toUpperCase() + str.substr(1);
PS C:\Users\jacob> node .\name_game.js chuck

    throw 'Name not allowed'
Name not allowed
(Use `node --trace-uncaught ...` to show where the exception was thrown)
PS C:\Users\jacob> node .\name_game.js dave

        Dave, Dave, bo-Bave
        Bonanna-fanna fo-Fave
        Fee fi mo-Mave

PS C:\Users\jacob> node .\name_game.js scarlet

        Scarlet, Scarlet, bo-Barlet
        Bonanna-fanna fo-Farlet
        Fee fi mo-Marlet

PS C:\Users\jacob> node .\name_game.js fiona

        Fiona, Fiona, bo-Iona
        Bonanna-fanna fo-Fiona
        Fee fi mo-Miona

If you have any questions or comments, I would be glad to hear it. Ask me on Twitter or make an issue on my blog repo.