Various Positions: Perl Weekly Challenge #98
Time for another Perl Challenge
TASK #2 › Search Insert Position
Submitted by: Mohammad S Anwar
You are given a sorted array of distinct integers@N
and a target$N
.Write a script to return the index of the given target if found otherwise place the target in the sorted array and return the index.
I put Task #2 first because I completed Task #2 first. Let’s take the first example.
n: 3
index: 0 1 2 3
value: 1 2 3 4
is greater than1
, so we go to the next index.index
is greater than2
, so we go to the next index.index
is equal3
, so returnindex
Simple iteration, returning the index when n
is greater or equal to the value.
Show Me The Code!
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw{ say signatures state };
no warnings qw{ experimental };
my @ns;
push @ns, [ 3, [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] ];
push @ns, [ 6, [ 1, 3, 5, 7 ] ];
push @ns, [ 10, [ 12, 15, 16, 18 ] ];
push @ns, [ 19, [ 11, 13, 15, 17 ] ];
for my $m (@ns) {
my $n = $m->[0];
my @n = $m->[1]->@*;
my $i = search_insert_position( $n, @n );
say qq{Input: \$n = $n};
say qq{ \@n = } . join ', ', @n;
say qq{Output: \$i = $i};
say '';
sub search_insert_position ( $n, @n ) {
my $i = 0;
while ( $i < @n ) {
return $i if $n <= $n[$i];
return $i;
Input: $n = 3
@n = 1, 2, 3, 4
Output: $i = 2
Input: $n = 6
@n = 1, 3, 5, 7
Output: $i = 3
Input: $n = 10
@n = 12, 15, 16, 18
Output: $i = 0
Input: $n = 19
@n = 11, 13, 15, 17
Output: $i = 4
TASK #1 › Read N-characters
Submitted by: Mohammad S Anwar
You are given file$FILE
.Create subroutine
readN($FILE, $number)
returns the first n-characters and moves the pointer to the(n+1)th
As a convention, readN
returns an empty string, ''
, when there’s nothing left in the string beyond the pointer. It also returns an empty string if $FILE
doesn’t exist, or isn’t a file.
Another thing to watch for is the pointer for the current position. Because we’re supposed to use readN($FILE, $number)
and not readN($FILE, $pointer)
, I should store the pointer within the function, and I should associate that pointer with the file name.
sub readN ( $file, $chars ) {
state $index;
$index->{$file} //= 0;
my $i = $index->{$file};
return '' unless -f $file;
return '' unless -r $file;
return '' if $i > -s $file;
allows us to have a hashref within the function that stores where we are within the file. //=
sets that value if it isn’t set. -f
ensures that $file
is a file, not a directory or a symbolic link or something. -r
ensures that the file is readable, because we can’t pull text from a file we can’t read. Finally, -s
gives us the size of the file, so if the value for $index->{$file}
is greater than the size, we can give up before opening the file.
I normally write if ( -f $file && open my $fh, '<', $file ) { ... }
, but because I have already tested the file, I don’t test again. Also, open
will fail if I can’t read $file
, but it is good to be sure.
Because we’re keeping track relating to each file, the test should juggle between multiple files, including some that don’t exist. Again I use a hashref, and when I get that empty string from a file, I set $flags->{$input} = 1
, then sum0 values %$flags
and test it against the number of inputs to ensure I’m not infinite-looping when I’ve read all possible inputs.
my @inputs = qw{ twinkie input1.txt input2.txt };
while ( $flag < @inputs ) {
state $flags;
for my $input (@inputs) {
my $output = readN( $input, $n );
do {
$flags->{$input} = 1;
$flag = sum0 values %$flags;
} if $output eq '';
say qq{\t'$input'\t$n\t'$output'};
Show Me The Code!
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw{ say signatures state };
no warnings qw{ experimental };
use List::Util qw{ sum0 };
my $n = 4;
my $flag = 0;
my @inputs = qw{ twinkie input1.txt input2.txt };
while ( $flag < @inputs ) {
state $flags;
for my $input (@inputs) {
my $output = readN( $input, $n );
do {
$flags->{$input} = 1;
$flag = sum0 values %$flags;
} if $output eq '';
say qq{\t'$input'\t$n\t'$output'};
# returns empty string on failure cases, which include
# * no file
# * index beyond file length
sub readN ( $file, $chars ) {
state $index;
$index->{$file} //= 0;
my $i = $index->{$file};
return '' unless -f $file;
return '' unless -r $file;
return '' if $i > -s $file;
my $output = '';
if ( open my $fh, '<', $file ) {
my $string = join '', <$fh>;
$output = substr $string, $i, $chars;
close $fh;
$index->{$file} += $chars;
return $output;
'input1.txt' 4 '1234'
'input2.txt' 4 'ABCD'
'input1.txt' 4 '5678'
'input2.txt' 4 'EFGH'
'input1.txt' 4 '90'
'input2.txt' 4 'IJKL'
'input2.txt' 4 'MNOP'
'input2.txt' 4 'QRST'
'input2.txt' 4 'UVWX'
'input2.txt' 4 'YZ'
You Can Do Better!
I searched for a way to read from the middle of a file, and sure enough, read
is precisely what I should’ve been looking for. My overhead is similar, but now I put the filehandle within the state hashref. I pull out $fh
because it’s shorter than $fhs->{$file}
, but that’s just lazy typing.
And it’s a drop-in replacement for the previous readN
, so I don’t have to change any of the rest of the program.
sub readN ( $file, $chars ) {
state $fhs;
return '' unless -f $file;
return '' unless -r $file;
unless ( $fhs->{$file} ) { open $fhs->{$file}, '<', $file }
my $fh = $fhs->{$file};
my $output ;
read $fh, $output, $chars;
return $output;
'input1.txt' 4 '1234'
'input2.txt' 4 'ABCD'
'input1.txt' 4 '5678'
'input2.txt' 4 'EFGH'
'input1.txt' 4 '90'
'input2.txt' 4 'IJKL'
'input2.txt' 4 'MNOP'
'input2.txt' 4 'QRST'
'input2.txt' 4 'UVWX'
'input2.txt' 4 'YZ'
It’s good to remember, when you’re trying to solve a problem, that some smart people might’ve already solve your problem already.