TASK #1 › Digits Sum

Submitted by: Mohammad S Anwar

Reviewed by: Ryan Thompson

You are given two positive numbers $N and $S.

Write a script to list all positive numbers having exactly $N digits where sum of all digits equals to $S.

This one is reasonably simple. Given all the N-digit decimal numbers, the lowest will be 1 followed by N - 1 0s, and the highest will be N 9s. $N = 3; @range = 100 .. 999, for example.

The rest is easy. We want to add up all the digits, so we need to separate all the digits. split //, $i; And now we go to perrenial favorite, List::Util and get sum, so, shortened, if ( $S = sum split // , $i ) { ... }

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use feature qw{ postderef say signatures state switch };
no warnings qw{ experimental };

use Getopt::Long;
use List::Util qw{sum};

my $N = 0;
my $S = 0;

    'n=i' => \$N,
    's=i' => \$S,

$N = $N > 0 ? $N : 2;
$S = $S > 0 ? $S : 4;

my @output = digit_sums( $N, $S );
say join ', ', @output;

sub digit_sums ( $N, $S ) {
    my @output;
    my $start = 1;
    while ( length $start < $N ) { $start .= '0' }
    my $end = '9' x $N;
    for my $i ( $start .. $end ) {
        my $sum = sum split //, $i;
        push @output, $i if $sum == $S;
    return @output;

TASK #2 › Palindrome Partition

Submitted by: Mohammad S Anwar

Reviewed by: Ryan Thompson

You are given a string $S. Write a script print all possible partitions that gives Palindrome. Return -1 if none found.

Please make sure, partition should not overlap. For example, for given string “abaab”, the partition “aba” and “baab” would not be valid, since they overlap.

This is the half solution. In that I can get the palindromes. That’s fairly easy.

sub palindrome_partition ($S) {
    my @output;
    for my $start ( 0 .. -1 + length $S ) {
        for my $end ( $start + 1 ..length $S ) {
            my $sub = substr( $S, $start, $end - $start );
            if ( length $sub > 1 && $sub eq reverse $sub ) {
                say join ' ', $start, $end, $sub;
    return @output if scalar @output;
    return -1;

Given Example 1, we get the following.

0 2 aa          ^^
0 5 aabaa       ^^^^^
1 4 aba          ^^^
2 6 baab          ^^^^
3 5 aa             ^^

We are told there are two possible solutions, but I’m not fully sold.

  'solutions_I_see': [
    [ 'aa', 'baab' ],
    [ 'aa', 'aa' ],
    [ 'aba' ],
    [ 'aabaa' ]

Granted, aba is a subset of aabaa, and aa is a subset of baab, so I can accept that, but the clever-and-good way to break apart what I have to the array of arrays desired just will not come to my head. Thus, half a solution.

If you have any questions or comments, I would be glad to hear it. Ask me on Twitter or make an issue on my blog repo.