Responding to Perl Weekly Challenge #56

TASK #1 - Diff-K

You are given an array @N of positive integers (sorted) and another non negative integer k.

Write a script to find if there exists 2 indices i and j such that A[i] - A[j] = k and i != j.

It should print the pairs of indices, if any such pairs exist.


@N = (2, 7, 9)
$k = 2

Output : 2,1

I’m assuming the givens – sorted array of positive integers, non-negative integer, and passing an array and separating them in the signature in ( $k, @N ).

If k = N[j] - N[i], k >= 0 and i != j, k can only equal 0 if there are duplicate integers, so N[i] == N[j] can be true as long as i !- j.

So, nested loops where j is outside and i is inside, starting with j+1.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use feature qw{ fc postderef say signatures state switch };
no warnings qw{ experimental };

diffk( 2, 2, 7, 9 );

sub diffk ( $k, @N ) {
    for my $j ( 0 .. -1 + scalar @N ) {
        for my $i ( $j + 1 .. -1 + scalar @N ) {
            next if $i == $j;
            next unless $k == $N[$i] - $N[$j];
            say join ", ", $i, $j;


# $ ./
# 2, 1

TASK #2 - Path Sum

You are given a binary tree and a sum, write a script to find if the tree has a path such that adding up all the values along the path equals the given sum. Only complete paths (from root to leaf node) may be considered for a sum.

Given the below binary tree and sum = 22, the partial path sum 5 → 8 → 9 = 22 is not valid.

The script should return the path 5 → 4 → 11 → 2 whose sum is 22.

         / \
        4   8
       /   / \
      11  13  9
     /  \      \
    7    2      1

This looks like a job for Recursion!

I mean, can you do iteration over a tree?

And we also need a concept of a Node, where it has a value, has children, and knows if it’s a leaf or not. I recall trees being read left-to-right, so 5->4->11->7 is read before 5->4->11->2, so child sorting isn’t necessary. We’re keeping this tree binary by ourselves, not enforcing it within the code, so this is a fairly naive Node implementation.

I solved this once without a parent link, keeping track of totals and paths, but then I thought a moment and considered the ease, and being able to trace up once you find a leaf makes the code easier. The spidering assumes an acyclic graph; I could easily make something with cycles and make it loop through forever, but that wouldn’t solve this problem, would it?

package Node;

sub new ( $class, $value = 0 ) {
    my $self = {};
    $self->{value}    = $value;
    $self->{children} = [];
    $self->{parent}   = undef;
    return bless $self, $class;

sub value ( $self ) {
    return $self->{value};

sub is_root ( $self ) {
    return defined $self->{parent} ? 0 : 1;

sub is_leaf ( $self ) {
    return scalar $self->{children}->@* ? 0 : 1;

sub add_child ( $self, $node ) {
    $node->{parent} = $self;
    push $self->{children}->@*, $node;

sub children( $self ) {
    return $self->{children}->@*;

sub parent ($self ) {
    return $self->{parent};

I tried to do $node->add_child( new Node(8)) but it wasn’t working for me, so I create a hash full of nodes and create the tree that way.

# make the tree
my $hash->%* = map { $_ => new Node($_) } 1 .. 13;
$hash->{5}->add_child( $hash->{4} );
$hash->{5}->add_child( $hash->{8} );
$hash->{4}->add_child( $hash->{11} );
$hash->{11}->add_child( $hash->{7} );
$hash->{11}->add_child( $hash->{2} );
$hash->{8}->add_child( $hash->{13} );
$hash->{8}->add_child( $hash->{9} );
$hash->{9}->add_child( $hash->{1} );

Yes, there are some nodes that are created but not included, but that’s fine.

The only thing left is to traverse the tree. Once we find a leaf node, we trace it back to the root, making the total and the path as we go.

spider_tree( $hash->{5}, 22 );

sub spider_tree ( $node, $value ) {
    if ( $node->is_leaf() ) {
        my $x = $node;
        my $t = $x->value();
        my @p = ( $x->value() );
        while ( !$x->is_root ) {
            $x = $x->parent();
            $t += $x->value();
            unshift @p, $x->value();
        if ( $t == $value ) {
            say $t;
            say join ' -> ', @p;
    for my $child ( $node->children() ) {
        spider_tree( $child, $value );

The code as a whole:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use feature qw{ postderef say signatures state switch };
no warnings qw{ experimental };

# make the tree
my $hash->%* = map { $_ => new Node($_) } 1 .. 13;
$hash->{5}->add_child( $hash->{4} );
$hash->{5}->add_child( $hash->{8} );
$hash->{4}->add_child( $hash->{11} );
$hash->{11}->add_child( $hash->{7} );
$hash->{11}->add_child( $hash->{2} );
$hash->{8}->add_child( $hash->{13} );
$hash->{8}->add_child( $hash->{9} );
$hash->{9}->add_child( $hash->{1} );

spider_tree( $hash->{5}, 22 );

sub spider_tree ( $node, $value ) {
    if ( $node->is_leaf() ) {
        my $x = $node;
        my $t = $x->value();
        my @p = ( $x->value() );
        while ( !$x->is_root ) {
            $x = $x->parent();
            $t += $x->value();
            unshift @p, $x->value();
        if ( $t == $value ) {
            say $t;
            say join ' -> ', @p;
    for my $child ( $node->children() ) {
        spider_tree( $child, $value );

package Node;

sub new ( $class, $value = 0 ) {
    my $self = {};
    $self->{value}    = $value;
    $self->{children} = [];
    $self->{parent}   = undef;
    return bless $self, $class;

sub value ( $self ) {
    return $self->{value};

sub is_root ( $self ) {
    return defined $self->{parent} ? 0 : 1;

sub is_leaf ( $self ) {
    return scalar $self->{children}->@* ? 0 : 1;

sub add_child ( $self, $node ) {
    $node->{parent} = $self;
    push $self->{children}->@*, $node;

sub children( $self ) {
    return $self->{children}->@*;

sub parent ($self ) {
    return $self->{parent};

# $ ./
# 22  22  5->4->11->2

A friend asked about the Word Ladder code I wrote about when engaging with Dijkstra’s Algorithm, titled “Graphs are not that Scary”, and I think this code proves that point again.

If you have any questions or comments, I would be glad to hear it. Ask me on Twitter or make an issue on my blog repo