TASK #1 - Flip Binary

You are given a binary number B, consisting of N binary digits 0 or 1: s0, s1, …, s(N-1).

Choose two indices L and R such that 0 ≤ L ≤ R < N and flip the digits s(L), s(L+1), …, s(R). By flipping, we mean change 0 to 1 and vice-versa.

For example, given the binary number 010, the possible flip pair results are listed below:

  • L=0, R=0 the result binary: 110
  • L=0, R=1 the result binary: 100
  • L=0, R=2 the result binary: 101
  • L=1, R=1 the result binary: 000
  • L=1, R=2 the result binary: 001
  • L=2, R=2 the result binary: 011

Write a script to find the indices (L,R) that results in a binary number with maximum number of 1s. If you find more than one maximal pair L,R then print all of them.

Continuing our example, note that we had three pairs (L=0, R=0), (L=0, R=2), and (L=2, R=2) that resulted in a binary number with two 1s, which was the maximum. So we would print all three pairs.

I coded this after Task 2, because I didn’t see the solution as immediately as that one, but then it struck me. Bit-flipping is int !$bool, as I mention below, and so the only difficult thing to understand is that substr can be both an lvalue and an rvalue. This means that substr( $bin, $n, 1 ) = int !substr( $bin, $n, 1 ) substitutes a bit with it’s flip in place. If I was putting this into production with a team that’s not strong in their Perl-fu, I might want to split the string into an array, int !$array[$i] and join it back again, but that’s not necessary and in fact contains a lot of busy work.

And I feel I should mention my $length = -1 + length $bin. length of 010 is 3, but of course we come from C and zero-index, so we want to cut that down to 2, but length $bin - 1 is thought of as length( $bin - 1 ), not length( $bin ) -1, so by putting -1 before length, I make sure it does what I want.

I used sum0 from List::Util as the easiest way to find the number of 1s in a given binary number, and since I’m using List::Util, I used max to grab the highest key in the hash I’m storing the values in, as well.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use feature qw{ fc postderef say signatures state switch };
no warnings qw{ experimental };

use List::Util qw{ sum0 max };

my $bin  = '010';

my $length = -1 + length $bin;
my $record;

for my $l ( 0 .. $length ) {
    for my $r ( $l .. $length ) {
        my $flipped = flip( $bin, $l, $r );
        my $sum     = sum0( split //, $flipped );
        push $record->{$sum}->@*, [ $sum, $l, $r, $flipped ];
say qq{Base: $bin};
say join ' ', qw{ I L R String };
say '=' x 12;
for my $bin ( map { $record->{$_}->@* } max keys $record->%* ) {
    say join ' ', map { $bin->[$_] } 0 .. 3;

sub flip ( $bin, $l, $r ) {
    for my $n ( $l .. $r ) {
        substr( $bin, $n, 1 ) = int !substr( $bin, $n, 1 );
    return $bin;

# $ ./ch-1.pl
# Base: 010
# I L R String
# ============
# 2 0 0 110
# 2 0 2 101
# 2 2 2 011

TASK #2 - Wave Array

Any array N of non-unique, unsorted integers can be arranged into a wave-like array such that n1 ≥ n2 ≤ n3 ≥ n4 ≤ n5 and so on.

For example, given the array [1, 2, 3, 4], possible wave arrays include [2, 1, 4, 3] or [4, 1, 3, 2], since 2 ≥ 1 ≤ 4 ≥ 3 and 4 ≥ 1 ≤ 3 ≥ 2. This is not a complete list.

Write a script to print all possible wave arrays for an integer array N of arbitrary length.

Notes: When considering N of any length, note that the first element is always greater than or equal to the second, and then the ≤, ≥, ≤, … sequence alternates until the end of the array.

N is not bounded, and to me, this is a perfect place for recursion, especially considering that, unlike fibonacci, this doesn’t blow up to uselessness.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use feature qw{ postderef say signatures state switch };
no warnings qw{ experimental };

for my $n ( 1 .. 4 ) {
    for my $arr ( permute_array( [ 1 .. $n ] ) ) {
        say display($arr) if waves($arr);


# bitflip 1 means >=
# bitflip 0 means <=

sub waves ( $array, $bitflip = 1 ) {
    if ( scalar $array->@* == 1 )                 { return 1 }
    if ( $bitflip && $array->[0] < $array->[1] )  { return 0 }
    if ( !$bitflip && $array->[0] > $array->[1] ) { return 0 }
    my $array2->@* = map { $_ } $array->@*;
    shift $array2->@*;
    return waves( $array2, int !$bitflip );
    return 1;

# display behaves much the same as waves

sub display ( $array, $bitflip = 1 ) {
    if ( scalar $array->@* == 1 ) { return $array->[0] }
    my $sign       = $bitflip ? '>=' : '<=';
    my $array2->@* = map { $_ } $array->@*;
    my $n          = shift $array2->@*;
    return qq{$n $sign } . display( $array2, int !$bitflip );

# Return of the permute_array function! Recursion!
sub permute_array ( $array ) {
    return $array if scalar $array->@* == 1;
    my @response = map {
        my $i        = $_;
        my $d        = $array->[$i];
        my $copy->@* = $array->@*;
        splice $copy->@*, $i, 1;
        my @out = map { unshift $_->@*, $d; $_ } permute_array($copy);
    } 0 .. scalar $array->@* - 1;
    return @response;

Things worth noting:

  • Bit-flipping comes with !$bool, but you swap between 1 and '', and I like to see 0 when debugging, so I use int !$bool for flipping bits.
  • I like the experimental signatures feature, and I like defaults, so I can call waves($array) and know it starts with $bitflip=1 and goes on from there.
  • Arrays can be slurpy, so to pass around arrays, I use array refs, but then we get the problem of passing values or what. (“You can call me $ray or you can call me $jay…”, to make a reference older than the language I’m coding in.) So, $copy->@* = map { $_ } $original->@* ensures that I’m not stomping on the original.
  • I’m using >= and <= rather than and because I know Perl can print them correctly, but the Perl tools I use in VS Code still have a problem with Wide Characters and such, and so they’re more annoying than they’re worth.

But I know me, and I know that I think everything is a perfect place for recursion. Son’s math homework? Recursion! I mean, unlike eating a Ritz cracker, there’s never a wrong time to use recursion, but there’s wrong ways.

So I tried the same with iteration. All is the same except the functions themselves, so to avoid repeating myself…

sub waves ( $array ) {
    my $copy->@* = map { $_ } $array->@*;
    my $bitflip = 1;
    my @output;
    while ( scalar $copy->@* > 1 ) {
        if ( $bitflip  && $copy->[0] < $copy->[1] ) { return 0 }
        if ( !$bitflip && $copy->[0] > $copy->[1] ) { return 0 }
        shift $copy->@*;
        $bitflip = int !$bitflip;
    return 1;

sub display ( $array ) {
    my $copy->@* = map { $_ } $array->@*;
    my $bitflip  = 1;
    my $output   = '';
    while ( scalar $copy->@* > 1 ) {
        my $sign = $bitflip ? '>=' : '<=';
        $output .= shift $copy->@*;
        $output .= qq{ $sign };
        $bitflip = int !$bitflip;
    $output .= shift $copy->@*;
    return $output;

Part of me really wants to redo that with an output array where integers and signs get pushed and then return join ' ', @output, but that’s not necessary.

And head-to-head, on the arrays [1], [1,2], [1,2,3], and [1,2,3,4], , we get this output:

$ ./ch-2.pl && ./ch-2b.pl
2 >= 1
2 >= 1 <= 3
3 >= 1 <= 2
2 >= 1 <= 4 >= 3
3 >= 1 <= 4 >= 2
3 >= 2 <= 4 >= 1
4 >= 1 <= 3 >= 2
4 >= 2 <= 3 >= 1
2 >= 1
2 >= 1 <= 3
3 >= 1 <= 2
2 >= 1 <= 4 >= 3
3 >= 1 <= 4 >= 2
3 >= 2 <= 4 >= 1
4 >= 1 <= 3 >= 2
4 >= 2 <= 3 >= 1

If you have any questions or comments, I would be glad to hear it. Ask me on Twitter or make an issue on my blog repo