I read the challenge just before Sawyer X’s keynote, so I didn’t pay so much attention it. I’m … a little shamed.

Challenge 1

#!/usr/bin/env perl

# Perl Weekly Challenge 013-1

# Write a script to print the date of last Friday of every month
# of a given year. For example, if the given year is 2019
# then it should print the following:

# 2019/01/25
# 2019/02/22
# 2019/03/29
# 2019/04/26
# 2019/05/31
# 2019/06/28
# 2019/07/26
# 2019/08/30
# 2019/09/27
# 2019/10/25
# 2019/11/29
# 2019/12/27

# I should not have read the challenge during the start of TPC

use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use feature qw{ postderef say signatures state switch };
no warnings
    qw{ experimental::postderef experimental::smartmatch experimental::signatures };

use DateTime;

my $year = shift @ARGV;
$year //= 2019; # because sawyer x mentioned the //= operator to applause


# best to not think of this in terms of the year, but as 12
# instances of last friday in the month
sub last_fridays ( $year ) {
    for my $mon ( 1 .. 12 ) { say last_friday( $year, $mon ); }

sub last_friday ( $year, $mon ) {
    # Thank you Dave Rolsky and everyone else who made this simple

    # Months are not of a standard size. We don't know the last day
    # but we do know what the first day is
    my $dt = DateTime->new(
        year      => $year,
        month     => $mon,
        day       => 1,
        hour      => 12,
        minute    => 0,
        second    => 0,
        time_zone => 'floating'

    # and no month is 32 days long
    $dt->add( days => 32 );

    # while does nothing if the test is true
    $dt->subtract( days => 1 ) while $dt->day_of_week != 5; # find a friday
    $dt->subtract( days => 7 ) while $dt->month != $mon;    # and move backto the right month
    return $dt->ymd('/'); # example solution uses slashes



In short:

  • we start at the first of every month
  • jump forward 32 days, because that’s longer than any month
  • back up by days to a Friday
  • back up a week until we’re within the month in question.

The quick-and-easy way would be to get month number $n+1, but I’m not 100% that the 13th month of 2019 is something DateTime would accept.

Again, Dave Rolsky exists, and he and the other contributors to DateTime who made it very easy to handle time, by eating the parallel sins of the planet’s orbit slowing and politicians juggling time zones.

I should buy him a pizza.

Challenge 2

The question is less “can I make this” and much more “is this thing I made correct?”, and I’m not convinced that the output is the correct one, although the functions are simple and easily implementable.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

# Perl Weekly Challenge 013-2

# Write a script to demonstrate Mutually Recursive methods.
# Two methods are mutually recursive if the first method calls
# the second and the second calls first in turn. Using the
# mutually recursive methods, generate Hofstadter Female
# and Male sequences.

##  F ( 0 ) = 1   ;   M ( 0 ) = 0
##  F ( n ) = n − M ( F ( n − 1 ) ) , n > 0
##  M ( n ) = n − F ( M ( n − 1 ) ) , n > 0.

# Thinking through this problem

# ff(1) = 1 - mm( ff( 0 ) )
# ff(1) = 1 - mm( 1 )
# mm(1) = 1 - ff( mm( 0 ) )
# mm(1) = 1 - ff( 0 )
# mm(1) = 1 - 1
# mm(1) = 0
# ff(1) = 1 - 0
# ff(1) = 1

use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use feature qw{ postderef say signatures state switch fc };
no warnings
    qw{ experimental::postderef experimental::smartmatch experimental::signatures };

for my $n ( 0 .. 3 ) {
    my $f = ff($n);
    my $m = mm($n);
    # say '';
    say qq{ f( $n ) = $f \t m( $n ) = $m };


sub ff( $n ) {
    # print qq{ ff($n) };
    return 1 if $n == 0 ;
    return $n - mm( ff( $n-1 ));

# using mm() because m() is a match operator, and using ff() to
# keep consistent, even though there isn't an f() operator.
sub mm( $n ) {
    # print qq{ mm($n) };
    return 0 if $n == 0 ;
    return $n - ff( mm( $n-1 ));

 ff(0)  mm(0)
 f( 0 ) = 1 	 m( 0 ) = 0

 ff(1)  ff(0)  mm(1)  mm(0)  ff(0)  mm(1)  mm(0)  ff(0)
 f( 1 ) = 1 	 m( 1 ) = 0

  ^^^ Verified

 ff(2)  ff(1)  ff(0)  mm(1)  mm(0)  ff(0)  mm(1)  mm(0)  ff(0)  mm(2)  mm(1)  mm(0)  ff(0)  ff(0)
 f( 2 ) = 2 	 m( 2 ) = 1

 ff(3)  ff(2)  ff(1)  ff(0)  mm(1)  mm(0)  ff(0)  mm(1)  mm(0)  ff(0)  mm(2)  mm(1)  mm(0)  ff(0)  ff(0)  mm(3)  mm(2)  mm(1)  mm(0)  ff(0)  ff(0)  ff(1)  ff(0)  mm(1)  mm(0)  ff(0)
 f( 3 ) = 2 	 m( 3 ) = 2

So, I am sure that ff() can call mm() and mm() can call ff(), but I’m not sure that this does and what it shows us.

This, actually, seems like a good candidate to Memoize, so you only have to solve for ff(n) once. (Higher Order Perl a) will make you a better programmer and b) is available free. Look into it.)

If you have any questions or comments, I would be glad to hear it. Ask me on Twitter or make an issue on my blog repo.